Individual Therapy

The great enemy of the truth Is very often not the lie –
deliberate, contrived and dishonest –
but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.
John F. Kennedy
The term “psychotherapy” comes from the Greek word for “soul” and “healing.”
Individual therapy is a collaborative process between a client and trained therapist with a goal of facilitating change and improving emotional wellbeing and mental health, relationships, and social functioning. Individual therapy is a journey of self-awareness and change, helping clients heal, grow, and move toward more productive, psychologically healthy lives.
The decision to contact a therapist, to feel better, and to improve your life situation, is not a sign of weakness, but, rather, an indication of courage and strength.
I work with individuals who are experiencing:
- stress, anxiety or depression
- health challenges or addictions
- family or employment challenges
- major life transitions, including separation and divorce
- grief over a significant loss
I typically meet with my clients on a weekly basis, sometimes more often, and sometimes every two weeks depending on need. Together we look at:
- therapeutic goals
- family of origin background
- strengths and perceptions (the lens through which we view the world)
- behavior that might stand in the way of healthy forward movement
Almost every issue can be looked at as a problem to be solved. I think you will find me to be an empathic listener, an interactive dialoguer, and an energetic and practical problem solver.
Maplewood is a wonderfully diverse community. I am experienced in dealing with diverse ethnicities, as well as issues of adolescent gender fluidity and confusion, issues of sexuality, and issues pertaining to the LGBTQ community.